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When can a person retire if they were 58...

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tiggerblue10 | 17:41 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | Business & Finance
16 Answers
...last summer? I know there have been some proposals/changes to the age limit but I don't know if it has already started or going to start. Knowing my luck my age group will have to work until 70!



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Thanks Mosaic.
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Gone up to 62.
Depends on your company scheme but you won't get your state pension...I can retire at 55 on a reduced pension but need to work until I am 65 for the full amount
I knew I'd regret clicking that link :o/
If you are a nurse, you can take your NHS pension at 55, but you wouldn't get the State pension until the new due date. You can apply to the DWAP and ask them for a forecast though, quite interesting (if scary).
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I've done mine as well and I have to work till I'm 67 to get a full pension. I was just trying to get some info for my mum.
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I don't think my mum has worked where she is long enough to be able to get a decent civil service pension.
Ask her to use the on-line form to get a pension forecast - they'll give her a personal breakdown, it's useful.
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Will do Box, thanks :o)
I'm 55 and I can retire at 65 on a full pension but i could take my 3 private ones now
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Didn't think about the private ones. I don't know if she started one.
If you have not got enough NI contributions for a full [pension there is a scheme at the moment allowing you buy quite a few of your missed years but this is closing soon so you need to move quickly, I think it will then go back to allowing you to purchase 2 years worth only.
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Do you have a link Ubasses?
Sorry no. Saturdays Telegraph Your Money
Called buy back offer - there is a catch of course - available to anyone due to receive state retirement between April 2008 and April 2011 you can buy back 6 years (right back to 1975) but you have to have 20 years worth already. This is on top of the normal rules allowing you buy any you have not paid in the last six years. (sorry think I said 2 in my last post) Don't forget if you missed years looking after children or as a carer there are further years you can claim. Sure you would find this on Goverment site somewhere
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Thanks Ubasses, I'll have a look for it :o)

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