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Why do I always manage

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starone | 23:04 Wed 09th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
to put the tv on when the adverts start? I think if I got up in the middle of the night and turned on there would be adverts for something or other.


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well i agree star, especially with a freeview box.
I sky+ everything, no adverts and I get to see the whole programme.
Errr.....because there are so many adverts on now Starbuckone! You forget to mention the trailers!

I stopped watching TV a long time ago. I have a collection of DVDs so I watch them if I have time once my wife's gone to bed. I still savour watching a whole programme without breaks.
Agree Star, have you noticed that if you flick through the chanels adverts seem to be on all at the same time,
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Yes Toff, perhaps Andy has the right solution - watch films on DVD, although I do not really like watching things more than once. Don't know why I said that when there are so many repeats on tv. That's another grumble.
Sometimes the ad breaks are so long I've forgotten what I'm watching!
I agree, adverts are excessive. I too would rather get a DVD boxset like 24 or The Soprano's to work thorugh rather than watch TV. Very rare I sit infront of freeview all evening, it bores me!
Apart from BBC I record all programmes so I can fast forward when the ads come on.
Channels like Gold or Alibi seem to show as much advertising as they do program.
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I've just discovered I can watch without adverts if I click on to TV Choice. And I have also discovered from that there are at least 15 minutes out of every hour showing adverts. Recording everything, well that's easy on this YBox, a good idea Mike. I shall do that in future as well as TV Choice.

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