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Sleeping with teachers

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mollykins | 12:41 Thu 24th Feb 2011 | Jobs & Education
30 Answers
Waterloo road was interesting last night, and as always brought up loads of current issues, including sleeping with teachers.

How often do you think this happens, and whose fault is it usually or does it deoend on which is female and which is male?


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Fair point, and well made :)

my answer stays the same though, can't say I blame them!
great idea personaly i would have done better in school
Isn't this more for Chatterbank than Jobs & Education!???
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There's sixth formers that are 18 and 19 . . .
Happened at my school, twice that i know of, girls in the upper sixth , it was quite a scandal but then one of the girls married the teacher after she had left school and they lived near my mum and dad.
actually i think one of the relationships started whilst she was in the Lower Sixth
I'm talking 1972 BTW
it's unprofessional and unethical. Part of the essence of teacher-pupil relationships is that the teacher is trusted as an adult in the place of parents (in loco parentis is the legal term).
Moreover with older students it opens the professional to accusations of non-impartiality.
And it goes on all the time. And it didn't stop the career of Chris Woodhead, ex-head of Ofsted, who did a sixth former he taught while maried to another woman and teaching at the school.
Double standards in England? Oh, no, never.
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Sleeping with teachers

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