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Jemisa | 10:45 Sun 06th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
I get a bit peeved when I come on here at the weekend because there's not many to chat to, it seems AB is taken over by the crossword brigade.
In the 'Latest Posts' as I speak out of the 6 posts there are 5 crossword posts. I'm hopeless at crosswords, does no-one want to chat on a Sunday morning?
(Does this peeve anyone else?)



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............... did someone mention a trowel?
Sorry ................. a bit quiet in DIY at the momment.............. think I'll start a clique ;o)
the weekend being dominated by quizzes and puzzles is nothing new, the weekends have always been quiet on CB, even before the ed.

I suppose they could argue that the whole week is dominated by CB ..?
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Nice post, headwreck!
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I must admit I have tried joining in with the quizzes and puzzles topics but my dumbness usually shines through!
It's not a matter of answering any more, it's a contest to see if you can answer correctly before Lie-in-King.

My current score, 2 in 2 weeks ... I'm stoked, lol
There is also a competition, well more of a bet, to see if Puzzleking says "thank you....."!
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Hi Bobbi, sounds like a great weekend to me, roaring fire etc, I hope you made good use of the hearth rug (giggle)

i thought it was awful quiet today..i looked back over chatterbank x
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Evidently not - I'll get me coat....

They pee me off as well Jem............but only cos I can't answer most of them!
The Q&P section is the one I used before I joined AB, I found it was a great site for answers to the weekend crosswords. Since then I've joined AB and occasionally try my hand at answering the crossword questions, that is if Lie-in-king and the others are off line. As for the clique where is it and who is in it Nox, you keep bleating on about it. Join in with everyone else and don't act me-me -me all the time.

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