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Ice-cream anyone?..

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Lie-in King | 18:40 Sun 06th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
According to my PC, it's 4 degrees C & an ice-cream van has just turned up - I'm timing how long it takes for him to leave...

...Ok, he was here for 35 seconds!

Is it me?


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Errr, thanks....

(Did you mean Chris though?)
We used to get an ice-cream van year-round, so you didn't mind buying from him in the Summer as he wasn't just cashing in on the fair-weather punters.
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No, you! Made me laugh, though I am easily pleased...
We don't get ice-cream vans down our the time all the zimmers had made an appearance he'd have buggered off anyway...........
We had one round here a while ago
And I would have thought that sales of food items that don't require chewing would be good on your street :-p
Mrs MM who is a Yorkshire Lass calls me nesh. She translates it as "Southern Softie"
do you tell the kids that if he's playing a tune, it means he's ran out of ice cream?

i am ashamedly guily of that on a few occasions when they were very young!
lol chuck..............never thought of that. I don't think our residents would go for a Mr Whippy or a Mr Softy.
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Hi crisgal - no kids of my own, but there are loads of the little...darlings...around here! I don't understand why he'd turn up when they're probably eating their meal before going to bed? But I know nothing about kids, so am probably wrong - though I imagine them with a faceful of veg & hearing the tune... Tee-hee!!
pmsl@crisgal ... nice one.
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Lol @ Chuck! Trust me, barring the kids, most people here don't remember what teeth are, let alone have any...
-- answer removed --
maybe it's the same ice-cream van
Could I have a 69 please
sorry LiK, I've just had one, we got it out of the freezer - next time, please!
do they still ask if you want monkeys blood on it?
Where can you buy USB ice cream van sensors chuck. I would like one.
always thought nesh was south wales for being a softie, ie it's not cold you're just being nesh

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Ice-cream anyone?..

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