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going to london

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slinky.kate | 01:47 Thu 10th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
leaving glasgow to go to my brothers funeral in london,we are planning to leave here about midnight while the motorway isnt busy,we think we should arrive about 6/7am.the funeral is at 9.30am.are we giving ourselves eneugh time?


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Sure that'll be all right, Kate, seems like plenty of time. Sorry for your trouble.
aw slinky ... i hope all goes well tomorrow ... x
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thanks clare & loooby,going to bed nowe.goodnight all
slinky - just found yoru message. all the very best to you all. hoping all goes well and thinking good things for you.
Give yourself a little with night driving you may need longer rest stops.... What part of london will you be going to... as even that early parts of it can be quite busy with lorry traffic especially
best wishes slinky, always a difficult time for everyone

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going to london

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