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I.D. card database destroyed

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whiskeryron | 11:45 Thu 10th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I know that this is old news, but if you ABers don't mind I would like to ressurect it again because I need answers.
What are governments afraid of with this issue ? During the last war we ALL had much to our comfort & satisfaction.Surely in these troubled times of suspected terrorist attacks etc. It would make sense if all citizens had I.D cards,& wouldn't it be easier to keep track of people who entered the country illegally ? I'm not afraid to be stopped anywhere & asked to show I.D as I don't have anything to hide.Ron.


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"As usual,with some of the answers on here I don't know why I even bother".
You asked a question that is potentially a contentious one, what do you expect ?
Some us don't live in la la land.
Hi Ron,

Just we both know where I'm starting from I'll quote you - “During the last war we ALL had much to our comfort & satisfaction. Surely in these troubled times of suspected terrorist attacks etc. It would make sense if all citizens had I.D cards”

We now live in different times. Back in the 1940s, the enemy was foreign and reasonably easily identifiable due to the German accent. Please don't think I'm being flippant here – I'm not. The 'enemy' we now face is similar (as they wish us harm) but fundamentally different in one very particular aspect to the German enemy of the 40s – they now live and work legitimately in the UK. I'm talking about fundamentalism – idealogical and religious.

You cannot tell a fundamentalist extremest from the way he looks or with what accent he speaks. As such, ID cards wouldn't prevent or deter domestic terrorists. For instance, all of the 7/7 bombers were UK citizens. ID cards wouldn't have prevented that tragedy.

ID cards are a great way for the Government to keep tabs on your whereabouts. An ID card cannot predict nor analyse your behaviour. As a crime prevention tool, the ID card is useless.

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I.D. card database destroyed

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