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Too much time on CB?

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Booldawg | 13:24 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
does it lead to dreams about CBers?

Had a dream that we all were on a coach tour in America and we'd stopped off in a town and a few of us booked a table at a Chinese restaurant! LOL dont remember specifics but recall Bobbisox being there.

Must get on with real work I guess!


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please don't alba, i;ve not ling had lunch and i'd like to hang onto it :-)
<Depends if Mrs jth is likely to read my response............!> :o)

I feel so much better that I'm staring to forget that I still have to be careful.....suddenly twisting, etc. soon reminds me and if I drop my chin onto my chest I still get a painful 'pull' down my right leg unless I have lifted it off the ground with my knee raised in front of me.

But I can walk farther and faster and have lost the rolling gait that made me look like a sailor on shore-leave..........:o)

All in all, I'd say the benefits of having undergone the procedure far out-weigh the problems I experienced immediately after.
It was surpisingly pleasant fluff :)

AB Hostelry at the seaside, the Q&P'ers on the beach with their puzzles, a row going on in the restaurant with the news lot, the CB'ers on the promenade with refreshing drinks and someone introduced me to him. His diagnosis : I'm weird but harmless.
Talking of puzzles alba I sometimes dream about crossword clues, not real ones, just random strange made up ones that mean nothing The frightning thing is in my dreams I come up with the answers to this nonesense.

I'm very glad for you jth that you've lost that drunken sailor look, so unbecoming ;o)
Mazie - I do something similar but in my dreams I'm reading the paper...obviously making the story up as I dream.
It's weird isn't it ummmm. It all makes sense at the time and then you wake up and think What The Funicular ! Well I do. I have several dreams a night and remember all of them. Sometimes when I wake up I feel like I've done the bl00dy night shift!
Lol mazie, I sometimes do text twist puzzles in my slleep and I/m convinced I get them right :)

CD, glad you're down to one crutch but don't rush back to work too soon x
It is weird...did you know that Prince Andrew died? He did in the paper I was reading anyway. I often wake up thinking what I've dreamt is true.
idreamed about eating a big marshmallow

when i woke up the pillow had gone
LOL snap ummmm my old man thinks I'm nuts hence my user name....he calls me crazy mazie...... me too alba... strange lot aint we
quite normal from my point of view mazie :D

And I'm sticking with that excuse, errr, no, reason !
Nice one Jack... :c) At this rate we'll both be running the marathan this year... ahem... ;0)
Which leg did they do ?
My right leg is the one with problems...........if yours is the left, we could put up an awesome three-legged challenge !! :o)
Damnit!! It's my right side too.... Although in all fairness, the left side might need work in the future so it could still work out...
How are you at running backwards................? :D
Last night, BM was asking me if putting the coloured flowers in her garden in a different order would attract different butterflies. Ô¿Ô
Don't think I've had any dreams about AB or CB. Yet, anyway!

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Too much time on CB?

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