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One of those days!!

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jd_1984 | 12:59 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Do you ever feel totally overwhelmed by things and at the same time under appreciated and lacking the motivation to get things done?
Well if so, welcome to my world at the moment!
Seems like every aspect of work and social/personal life is a massive uphill challenge and every problem has hit at once. I have become a glass half full person lately, which is not me at all!
Anyway, rant over!! - Has anyone felt like this recently, how did you combat it?


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I used to...there was a time that everything was going wrong in my life. I look back now and I really haven't got a clue how I didn't have a break down.

Happy again now though...

Hold onto the will improve x
I'm too shallow and weak minded to let things get to me. But good luck and keep leaning into the wind.
Try this to cheer you up
It's just a blip, we all have these 'chapters' in our lives, you will get through it, I sense you are a strong person so just hang on in there, tomorrow is a new day and things will get better....dont worry about things you cant do anything about. i have just got through a really tough patch in both personal and work life....thought it would never end - i felt really low too, but you just carry on....and one morning it just seemed 'better' cant describe it, thinking positive does help....hard i know at times but you can get there.
Yes I have had those times. I am not going to get all down home and folksy on you but I read something the guitarist Chet Atkins said and it helped me. he said

"Do One Thing Every Day Towards Your Goal"

Not goals, goal, singular. So pick one problem, decide what the next step is, make it a small step and do it. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back and do the same thing the next day. As I said, it worked (is working) for me.
Only when I'm at work, jd. I take the day off to combat it.
Jd, life can be cruel at times but the reality is only you know what needs to be done to fix things.
I've been through some dark times and managed (I have no idea how) to come through them relatively sane. (No comments needed here!)

Keep your chin up! :)
Yep - been there. Woofgang's advice is really sound - one thing at a time, don't try to eat the whole cake at once. Little little things - get up, make the bed, do the dishes, don't go out without looking in the mirror. Having control over just little things will help. There's a wonderful "prayer"

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.

Don't fret about the things you can't do anything about, but start to identify and get to grips with the things you CAN (or will be able to) deal with, or at least come to terms with. One bit at a time.
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Good point pixi - jd_, you can always come on here for a chat, it does help just to talk about this sort of stuff sometimes.
Hi jd I hope tomorrow brings a brighter day for you, I always remember someone saying to me
Think of the worst possible thing that could happen, then after that, nothing else matters, things have a way of getting better
Take Care
Joy x
Well, I saw a really nasty crach this morning on the Truro to A30 Junction at Carland Cross. In fog, a people carrier had obviously come up the hill from the Truro direction far too fast, come upon the round-about at the last minute, hit the skids and gone right across the road, into the central part, and into the bushes, with rolling over.

I was on my way for a coffee at the local pub, at Mitchell, came up the same direction and there were 5 police cars and 4 ambulances there. There were four or five or more people laid out on the grass with the Emergency folk and police buzzing around them. Hard to say whether there were any fatalities as none were moving and all the attendees.....but I wouldn't be surprised.

The car must have been doing 80 plus as it came into the junction to be that far across and into the bushes. Thank goodness, there didn't seem to be a second car involved from coming around the roundabout on the A30 (traffic was very light) as that would have been an even worse smash and one that would have closed the road down.

It pulls you up and makes you realise that the minor 'depressive' things in life aren't so bad. For example had seen my mother and she had accused me of slashing down her plants in all the wild garlic on her "lawn" - No, they had just grown and then from removing papers from her bedroom that looks like the Allies had raided it looking for Qadaffi......all the mind of someone with dementia who hadnt slept that well and lost an hour in sleep.
I have felt just the same lately through one thing and another jd.
Its a horrible feeling, so I do sypathise with you.
have you read the "Desitarata" ? It makes you realise that you've got a right to here and to be happy with life.
Tomorrow is another day --hope you feel much better x
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Thanks all.
Each problem in itself is fairly managable and not particularly stressful and if they came along one at a time, things probably wouldnt seem so bleak!
I have things coming up this year to look forward to, so just concentrating on them and trying my best in all areas.
Its definitely good to have the facility to chat on here, everyone is really understanding and some have probably been in the place I am right now.
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DT - I really do appreciate evrything I have got, and in so many ways I am fortunate. Your story is a reminder that we should concentrate on the positives. Easier said than done mind!
That's a sad story, DT, I think I know where you mean too. Were you off to the Plume?

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One of those days!!

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