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Blood Pressure Tests

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baibee | 17:59 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I recently had my blood pressure tested at a well woman clinic and the nurse repeated the test a total of three times as it was a bit high. After the third test I started feeling really unwell; dizzy, sick and faint and had to lie down with my feet up for 10 mins. I then felt fine and continued my run which I had broken for the test. Was this caused by the tests or something else like anxiety?


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Can I get this clear in my own ran to the Well Woman Clinic........had your BP taken 3 times, felt dizzy ect. had a lie down for 10 mins, then continued your run.

Is that correct?
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Yes. I run regularly and it wasn't that which made me ill. It was either lack of blood to the brain or anxiety. Can't imagine blood pressure tests cause blood flow to brain to be interrupted so was probably anxiety - was fine after lie down, so why not finish run?
erm because your body faints to recover and regain energy so you should have listened to body and its cry for rest
OK I think we can safely say that there has been no useful information either concerning your BP or your "episode" in that visit.

My opinion.....make another appointment and go by car or bus.
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Quite! My body wasn't recovering and I felt absolutely fine after my run - I've been running for 20 years. I just wondered if anyone else had a similar reaction to repeated blood pressure tests or whether I should put it down to anxiety about why she was repeating the tests.
If it was a female nurse then that would send my blood pressure sky high. That was not the case with you though, was it, baibee?

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