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Sad news

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rowanwitch | 08:18 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
91 Answers
Sylvia (Mrs Welshyorkie) passed away at 0636 this morning

She had fought so hard and it seems very unfair that despite this a donor wasn't found in time

So Julian when you feel up to reading this all I can say is my thoughts are with you and your family right now



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...... oh welshy... my heart goes out to you and your boys xxx
oh welsh ...hugs to you and your sons and other immediate family.


Thinking of you.
Hi Welsh - it's good to see you again and thank you for being so brave and allowing us to support you and your family through the past weeks. You are all still in my thoughts and prayers Steff
julian,,,,so very kind of you to post. cant have been easy for you.what you all have been through is just awfull. but to have such lovely boys and treasured memories of sylvia will be some comfort for you today and in the future,,,,,,,,, take care < anne.
Thanks, Helen and Looby. My heart goes out to each and every patient awaiting a transplant of whatever kind and hope that their journey has a better end than ours.
Sylvia wasn't able to donate organs but did donate corneas and heart valves. I hope the recipients go on to have long and healthy lives. And to noseyparker79 - dribble and spill send their love !!!
Julian, what a beautiful post. my heart goes out to you and your family x
Alba, Seekerz and Anne - I have been following the posts on my mobile and thank you for your kind thoughts. Alba, it may be some time before I rejoin the SAGA/Refreshers club but when you next go on wish everybody a good day from me. I may not be here on the 'net but I am with you in thought every morning. The funeral will be on tuesday morning and I have chosen the song The Rose to be played as Sylvia is brought into church and the boys have chosen Angel by Sarah Maclachlan for the journey out.
Thanks Sara. I will be going home again about 1030 - just wanted to get away from home for a short while so thought I would come into the office and catch up with you all.
take care Welshy xx
sylvias funeral today. welsh and " boys " i hope all went as well as could be expected under the circumstances,,,,best wishes to you all.......anne.

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