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Having a bad day...

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venator | 10:11 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Shampoo wouldn't lather in the shower - OH had left conditioner where shampoo should be.

Then she reminded me that we're going to Tatton Park antiques fair this morning.

What more can fate have in store?


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Go and have a pub lunch venator, that's something to look forward to :)
All your hair will fall out and the car will break down on the way to Tatton Park...
It won't be the first time I have sprayed my hair with body spray.
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Might just do that, alba.

are you OK in your greenhouse? Plenty of compost & fertiliser?
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Thanx, Snags - Toyotas never break down & I wouldn't mind going bald - I'd save a couple of hundred on haircuts
I do try not be full of sh.t but it does come naturally :D

lol snags, forever the optimist
Did the same thing yesterday vena, sooo annoying. Now the antique's fair 'love 'em' go to all our local ones if you don't want to go, I'll come.
If you see a Moorcroft vase buy it for me (I can't afford em) I love em tho.

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AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH, pixi - only 2 things have happened - thanks for the words of comfort...
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the pub lunch will be minging :)

You'll run out of petrol :)

You'll stub your toe :)

It's being so cheerful that keep me going y'know
While you're at he fair your house could go on fire - think about it while you're there and have a nice day - que sera sera.
You will have to buy her something at the antiques fair, she will be expecting it!!
Blimey Venator , it doesn't take much to get you off to a bad start does it? Go and enjoy your day:)
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the earth will open bleow you and you'll be sucked into a swirling vortex and spat out in the middle of a jeremy kyle show
" what time till "lol
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Hi trigger h - sorry, just got back - no further disasters yet!

The antiques fair's a 3 day job - Friday - Sunday, 11am to 3pm.

The exhibits are fabulous and correspondingly expensive, so beware!

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Having a bad day...

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