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Happy Mother's Day

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Zeuhl | 17:21 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
To all the mums on AnswerBank.

Have a lovely day on Sunday



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Thank you, it will be my first ever one :o) x
Thankyou it will also be my birthday too :D
Oh Looby, it's my mum's birthday too. Have a good 'un :)
What about animal mothers? Do they get a Mother's Day card as well? We had a mother cat called Mum Puss who died about a year ago. Her 2 remaining daughters were told about, but did not attend their Mother's funeral. So much for cats knowing every word you say to them!
mant thanks,my mum's birthday is on tuesday
Thank you very much, will be having afternoon cream tea (hopefully on the lawn) at my daughter's house, with the rest of the family.
JB - my catz send my MIL cards for mother's day, and birthdays and christmas too... they call her Furry Gran.
One of my cats looks just like the one in your avater, boxtops. Her name is Honey, and her sister is called Roo, named after Winnie the Pooh characters.
Aw... this one is No.1 Son, he's a boofoo boy (when he's not swearing at the others)
thank you. usually my children are working or they just forget. so thank you very much.
Thank you! I will spend the day helping my husband build an "O" Gauge garden railway!
Thank you xx

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