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Summat Mrs Chappie said

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albaqwerty | 20:44 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
on a different topic, made me wonder about how you'd feel if your mum or dad married someone else after the loss of your mum/dad?

Is it a compliment to the departed one?

As in, I enjoyed being married, you made it wonderful and I'd like to do it again with someone else?


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Christ, I wouldn't say that about my ex.......I'll go for the "I'd like to do it again with someone else" though.
loss? divorce?

my mothers second husband was infinitely better than the first one.
My mother died a year ago (aged 61) and my dad is still young (he's my step-dad and he is only 54). I would like him to meet someone else as he has a lot of life left and I dont want him to be lonely. However, I would suspect that my half-brother and sister would be outraged if he met someone else.
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An uncle of mine remarried about 12 months after my aunt died.
Wasn't mad keen on the woman as my aunt had known her and I'd overheard 'things'
He was extremely upset about the death of his wife and it was so nice to see a smile on his face when he re-married. Unforutnately, they only had 5 years together when he passed.
as long as my mum didnt re-marry say a month after my dad died and there was a reasonable amount of time before anything like that took place i see no reason why love to see my mum happy happy again and id have the greatest of respect for any man who could bring happiness into her life...although she might be a bit old for all that now...she is 73 after all..
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jeepers stokie, 73 !!

She might just be happy with a bit on the side whom you don't know about :)
lol albaqwerty i will tell her.....
Anyone seeing their parent as lonely as mine was after the death of their spouse of more than 50 years would have been glad to know that they had found someone to ease their pain.
Unfortunately that didn't happen for mine and he had nearly 20 years of pain to endure before he too died.
I don't think it takes away from a parent. People are human and they miss love and companionship, as stoke says, if it's not a month afterwards then you should probably try and be happy for them if there is nothing fundamentaly wrong with the person in question. I think it's all very different now anyway as a lot of people (myself included), have divorced parents now settled with different partners anyway.
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my FIL is 76, has four off-spring. I think it would be a 50-50 split if he ever found anyone to share the rest of his life with. He is very lonely.
Surrounded by his children, daughter and sons in law, grand-children and great-grand-children, he is lonely.
exactly the same as my mum madmaggot..they were about to celebrate their golden wedding when dad was struck down with lung cancer...its 3 years this september and its just like yesterday mum misses terribly but is she found someone to make her happy and end her lonliness then he would have the families blessing....and im sure dad would be looking down from heaven and give his blessing too...
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I think any children who object to the ending of loneliness for their parent are selfish, but that's just my opinion.

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