I've been offline for a while, nice to see some familiar names still here! Anyways, just something to make you think...
I don't think I've ever seen an ad on tv and been influenced enough to buy a product. Have you, and was it worth it?
Karenmac, Mrs Dagman has those and loves them. I buy products but no I don't really think watching a magnum or mars being advertised has pushed me to want one. I've had them yes but I don't take tv's word for it that they are good, I'd rather find out by word of mouth or if I feel like trying stuff.
Adverts do work. That's why the majority of people prefer Heinz beans, Heinz tomato soup, Nescafe is still the single biggest seller of instant coffee, fish fingers means Birds Eye, even though there are dozens of other cheaper choices easily available.
Who would know about Direct Line if they didn't advertise on television? They are not on the comparison websites.