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dotty. | 23:40 Thu 07th Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I'm hoping our postman drops a few cheques through the letter box tomorrow, those Garth tickets won't wait forever. I shall keep everyone's name anonymous never fear.


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Mine's the pretty pink cheque dotty. I hope you're not too overwhelmed but I think you're worth it :-)
Sorry, Dotty, even if nobody else knew that I'd contributed to buying a Garth ticket, I'd still know myself, and I just couldn't live with the shame.
Fingers crossed Dot...I'll win the lottery on Friday and I will pay for to see Garth...
Garth tickets? come on, we have limits....
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I'm getting quite excoted lol
If I win the lottery I'm coming with you!!
:-) @ Chris. It could have been worse - it could have been Marillion...
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we could get a chara up actually lol
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hahahaha...trimmy :-)
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I can keep a secret you know
I admire your loyalty to Garth (not my cup of tea) but wouldn't do for us all to be the same. The love of my life is Neil Diamond, say him at the MEN, he was fabulous. Anyhoo, hope you are feeling a bit better perhaps you could have a cheque through your letter box if I knew where to send it (know what I mean, wink wink)
I can't actual remember hearing anything by Marillion. (I'm sure that I will have but I just didn't notice who was performing the music). However I can say that Fish and his mates seem to be nice guys, 'cos I served them a few bevvies just before their performance in Ipswich.
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Nice guys, awful music...
Dotty, if someone wants to start a fund to get you the dosh to go and see Garth, I'll donate a few quid, with pleasure. If a few thousand ABers will do the same .... you're in!
I'll donate if she shuts up about him :-)
Cheques in the post Dotty; I haven't mentioned your name, my name, the postmans name or Garth's name.

Please don't tell me that its arrived nor anyone else on here.

Please don't buy anything but tickets with it and whatever you do, don't go on the tele!

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