Stuck on the last one this week - 10 down - English writer whose posthumously published diary describes historical events including the Great Fire of London. I have ?v?l?n but can't find anything to fit. Any help gratefully received. Thanks
piece of trivia did u know that John Evelyn left enough money for the elderly who reside in Evelyn St. Deptford so they can have an annual outing to the seaside. It still carries on present times, my mum used to benefit when she was alive she was allowed to bring 1 guest[me !] and they gave the whole party a slap up silver service lunch and a pub buffet meal on the way home and residents only got an extra £20 to spend in the pub.
How wonderful, Dee! Telll me more, please. How do you mean residents got only £20.00? And to think I only wanted an answer to the crossword clue.You live and learn on here.