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becki161 | 17:42 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | Pregnancy
25 Answers
I took a clear blue digital on Saturday morning 1st pee of the day it was positive then I did one today 2 days later about 6th pee of the day and it was negative! I'm sad but do you think its just because I'd peed a lot today?! I've got a doctors appointment tomorrow xx


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Tiggs - very rarely will you ever get a false positive so it's more likely that she had an early miscarriage.

Sorry Becki.....xx
Oh ok, I didn't know that Ummmm. I'm not very knowledgeable about these things.

I just thought I'd let Goldilocks know as she had congratulated Becki in error.
Not many people do. When you're pregnant your body produces HCG hormone. That is what pregnancy tests detect. So that is why a false positive is very very unlikely.

I don't think goldilocks actually read the answers :-(
Yes so sorry to hear that Becki x
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