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Happy St Georges day.

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moonraker558 | 01:28 Sat 23rd Apr 2011 | ChatterBank
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Happy St George's Day to you too, moony.

Pinki - our National Saint...?! ;-)
happy st. georges day to you too moon!
its my hubbies b/day today, so lovely warm day for him
Happy Shakespeare's Day too and it's the Queen's birthday as well

My mother's birthday that is, for the latter.
why don't we have a Saint George logo..
flamin' hell the Irish have their shammis, the Scots their flag of Saint Andrew and the Welsh, thier daffs...
the trouble, bobbi, is that it would have to be a dead dragon and the poor little welsh, bless their cotton socks, wouldn't like it. So we MUST be seen to be politically correct.
arrhhh, the flag would have done DT...:-)
I am particularly hacked off, especially as the Ed asked a few days ago when he ought to put the St. George's Day Logo up.......

Bad show, Ed, bad show..........:o(

I'm off out shortly and I shall be wearing my red rose.
yep, he did ask and we got ziltch!!
and after removing one of my Romanian jokes last night about their stereotype to steal, how racist of the Ed.....Disgraceful he won't reecognise the MAJORITY of citizenship and heritage of AB users.
Here. Have a sock, DT............
We didn't get a shamrock....we got a four leaf clover.
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much of the sameness imo..:-)
and after removing one of my Romanian jokes last night

how many Romanian jokes, have you got?
Belt up shouldn't even be here !
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Well, that went well :o)
Blink, and you'll miss it.

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Happy St Georges day.

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