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Crikey ... is that the telly?

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joggerjayne | 20:33 Mon 09th May 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
So I've got the doors open on to my balcony.

Either one of the neighbours has their doors open, and the telly on really loud ...

... or one of them is being attacked !

Okay, let me guess ... Eastenders ??

And the script will be something like ...

"Oi, Rickee ..."

"Oi, Biancaaa ..."

"You're bang aat of order ..."

"Shut your maarf ..."

"You're bang aat of ordaaah ..."

"Oi, Rickee ..."

Etc, etc.


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It's stopped.
Are you waiting for it to start again, MT?
Question Author
Err ... "and" what ?

youll be able to hear us stokies singing on the south coast on saturday afternoon jj...
Question Author
I hope it doesn't start again !
Wow, no JJ that was real, Rickee n Biancaa wernt on EE tonight, quick call the pollllicee
So, do you put your own television on without the sound? Just a thought - perhaps it wasn't East Enders - maybe you are going to be involved in your own version of Midsomer Murders. (gives little shudder - Nah, can't be your imagination is getting the better of you)
I wanna know how it ended...
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Starbuck ... I haven't got a telly on.
duff duff duff duff, Mick
oh-oh jj - I think you are in trouble. Have you got an alibi?
sounds like clink-clink as the doors get locked and a swphusshhhh as EE goes down the proverbial pan, sh.t that the programme is.
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Yes ... he should.

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Crikey ... is that the telly?

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