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Munwest | 20:42 Tue 03rd May 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Now fairly standard, it was first used in the 1850's (and is sometimes called after its country of origin) but took nearly 20 years to reach the UK and another 20 to reach the USA. What am I talking about?


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The answer is "Secret Ballot", also known as Australian Ballot as it originated in Australia in 1950's.
15:07 Wed 11th May 2011
rubber (india rubber)

Manilla envelope?

the Dutch cap?

French letter?
Question Author
Thanks for them. I think the first two are worth checking out. I didn't know rubber originated in India. So I've learned something!
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The answer is "Secret Ballot", also known as Australian Ballot as it originated in Australia in 1950's.

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