You need to optimize your PC as follows:
0. Ensure the Hard Disc Drive is not damaged or faulty.
Solution - Run CheckDisk:
a. Start> Computer >select C Drive>Right Click C Drive>select
"Properties">"Tools" > click "Check Now"> Select both boxes
and click "Start".
b. This can take a long time, so let it complete (may take all
night or longer. Be patient.)
1. Ensure your PC has as much memory (RAM) as possible.
Solution -- Find out how much RAM your PC has:
a. Go to and input your PC's name and model # followed
by "memory" and see what's listed. This tells you what kind of memory
you need and how many "Sticks" your PC will accept.
b. Get the maximum amount of memory your computer can hold and
install it.
2. Ensure the PC is protected.
Solution - Update existing Anti-Malware software.
a. Open the Anti-Virus program;
b. Ensure it is up to date.
c. Open the Anti-Spyware program;
e. Ensure it is up to date.
d. If no Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware, get good programs.
remove any existing AV before installing another one.
3. Remove Malware from your PC
Solution - Run the Antivrus and then the Antispyware scans (can take a while if
never done. Be patient):
a. Scan the whole system with the Anti-Virus;
b. Scan the whole system with the Anti-Spyware;
4. Next, ensure the Registry is clean.
Solution: Get and run a good registry cleaner.
a. If none, get CCleaner here:
b. Run the Registry cleaner till it finds and corrects all errors.
5. Now defragment the drive.
Solution - Get a go