If you are pre-reading it might be best to go with your uni as a lot provide a pre-reading guide.
I'd say you would be better reading the more indepth texts alongside the courses on an LLB as the subjects are so wideranging. You wouldn't normally study tort until the second year, if things are the same as when I did it anyway. Things like the basics of contract or criminal or the legal system in general would be more useful.
Nutshells and Nutcases are great as quick revision guides to skim over the main points, I used to use them a lot. They might be a little too general to learn much from initially.
Most things will not be out of date though there might be a few updates when you study. I'd go with a recomended reading list as lecturers can use these to refer to on the course, some may be self written as many lecturers also publish. With law books being expensive as they are it might be an idea to wait and buy the ones they suggest.