irregular heartbeats in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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irregular heartbeats

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bubzoo | 10:25 Mon 16th May 2011 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
Hi I'm 45 years old and weigh 63Kg ! i do not have any heart problems but recently i started having irregular heartbeats ... mostly slow and irregular (with a few fast ones in between)! this does not happen regularly and not on a set pattern ! It may happen after a gap of few weeks or more! Also, when my heart is beating irregularly I get a funny feeling in my throat as if there is a pulse there as well! i have this reflux issue as well but its not as bad as it used to be! My last ETT came out clear and i am about to have another one just to make sure my heart is ticking fine! any idea what is wrong!
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I have this too, from time to time, bubzoo - I've had all the tests and there is nothing wrong. It's quite scary when it happens and I know what you mean - it makes me feel a bit giddy too. I find if I cough, it seems to set it right again. Scary when it happens, but nobody seems to know why, although It does seem to happen to me when I have a full stomach - someone suggested a...
17:39 Mon 16th May 2011
Far too complicated a subject for an AB answer, but probably no big deal.Just wait for the result of your next ECG and then get back to us.
bub. try google....................irregular heart beat.
given your age, try googling 'menopause symptoms', any of which can and do start anything up to 10 years before menopause actually happens. palpitations, irregular heartbeats, or whatever you want to call them, are a very well known symptom (about number 6 on the chart of 30 potential symptoms) and often put the fear of god into ladies who are taken completely by surprise by them.
Username: bubzoo
Gender: Male

:) just a guess here but i reckon it may not be menopausal
redcrx - that was my first thought. ;-)
:o) whooops!
could be " male menopause " !!!!
Don't Google....at all.
Seems to me you've had it checked and all was ok. Never hurts to recheck, put your mind at rest, but I suspect you worry about something that proves not a problem. One becomes very aware of other feelings not usually noticed, when worried about one symptom in particular.

I used to have irregular heartbeats and even the odd skipped one. In my case it seems to have been too much caffeine. May pay you to watch that as a precaution.
Can be set off by different foods caffine or alcohol.
Acid Reflux can also cause this.
^^sorry, mean't to say, can mimick feelings of missed heartbeats^^
I have this too, from time to time, bubzoo - I've had all the tests and there is nothing wrong. It's quite scary when it happens and I know what you mean - it makes me feel a bit giddy too. I find if I cough, it seems to set it right again. Scary when it happens, but nobody seems to know why, although It does seem to happen to me when I have a full stomach - someone suggested a connection with the vagus nerve, as it runs through the body. I've learned to live with mine, but it's not nice.
OG is right - the more you think about it, the more you notice it...
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thanks guys for your comments ... nice to know you are not alone with this kinda problem! though I hope no one gets it ... its quite uncomfortable!

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