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TWR | 20:08 Sat 21st May 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
What have you done in life that you now regret?


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imo, there is no point in regreting anything as we most likely cant do anything about it. except maybe learn from it,
I think its best not to lament about the things you cant change, life is full of good and bad decisions, whatever you regret now you thought was a good idea at the time.
I haev been saddened by some situations at the time - but we have to move on, what's done is done.
Tried to fight something that was too strong ...I was unwell at the time and caused total misery and chaos...
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I'm an Edith Piaf girl.................
getting drunk. I often regret, getting drunk.
We left good jobs, sold our house and bought a pub so that we wouldn't spend the rest of our lives saying 'what if ..?' - ok, it all turned to sh!te but still no regrets.
oh craft.... you "little sparrow " :)
That's me Anne.................
getting drunk, then going home to the wife and declaring
' i've still got it'

after flirting with the floozies :0(
Just at this minute - losing my cat., the same answer to your tears question too.
Currently.... pack the chilli sauce somewhere I can't get at it.
I can't join threads like this, they make me too sad - sorry twr.
I don't really want to either, I'm not looking at it any longer.

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