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What is 'The Nameless Novel'?

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Buttonstoo | 23:05 Sat 15th Oct 2005 | Arts & Literature
1 Answers

I keep seeing references to it and people being told off for posting here instead of Quizzes & Puzzles.

So is it actually a novel/book?



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They are a series of childrens books..well I suppose adults read them too ! It is a book but there is a quiz involved to find out the title of the next book in the series.
Nice to see children reading but then they should also be able to read the category headings on AB and post in the appropriate section.Anyway it tells you all about it here
It gets wearing when they post the same questions over and over again without doing a category search....hence people get annoyed.

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What is 'The Nameless Novel'?

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