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I have a cucumber in the fridge

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Mick-Talbot | 10:47 Thu 02nd Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
What should i do with it?


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Is this a euphenism?
Put it in a Lancaster and drop it on Hamburg.
Can you do me a favour and ask it if the light stays on in the fridge when you close the door.
// Not sure, jno. How can i tell if it's spanish? //

Is it sporting a sombrero ?
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sorry, milly.. i don't speak spanish, or cucumber.
Chuck Fickens - the cucumber song LOL !
Well, couldn't you learn. The tomatoes in my fridge are ignoring me.
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Spanish cucumbers look like big gherkins, unlike the phallic English ones!
"Rubber dingy rapids, bruv".
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no Tesco here, Trig... or anymore cucumbers. I think they have all been murdered.
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there has been a mass cullcumber
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I'm a martyr, you're all squashed tomatoes
If you're going to have sex with it, leave it out of the fridge for a bit first, otherwise they make you go a bit numb.

Err ... so I've heard.

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I have a cucumber in the fridge

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