There was kid was sent to the childcare that my son goes too while infected with HFMD, they were only together for an hour before i pick my son up, he has woken up today with a very runny nose, but other than that is his usual fun self and eating plenty. Is this a sign of HFMD? He is teething just now aswell, so hopefully its connected.
My son had this, it present's itself like chicken pox but is not on the torso at all. I don't recall his symptoms before the spots came out, but I don't think it was anything memorable. The good thing was that once the spots come out, it is not infectious. Only a week or so before then.
My son didn't really feel unwell, just looked a bit spotty!
bubba, get used to him coming home with all sorts of bugs, its part of the joys of sending them to childcare / nursery lol.Im waiting for my youngest to come down with scarletina at the moment lol