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TWR | 20:30 Fri 10th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
We hear a lot of stories about UFOs etc, I do believe that there is life out there, what would you do IF on your way home one night on a country Road / Lane / after midnight you seen an unexplained craft land & was confronted by a being from another plant! how would, & what would you do? ( No, I'm not pizzed yet,its too early)


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At this moment I'd be sorely tempted to go off with them...............
If Craft was landing I'd offer her a very large gin and tonic.

Seriously, if my car didn't do the fail-electrics thingy, I'd get out of there sharpish and pronto
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I can normally sues your answers out Jack, as soon as I post.
Take them down the local, they'd fit in no probs
...confronted by a being from another plant?
Do you mean as in rosebush, daffodils etc?
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If possible I would run away as fast as I could and hide in the nearest possible hiding place. I prefer to live in complete ignorance of extra terrestrial beings, although I am convinced they are out there somewhere. However, given the difficulties of inter planetary travel I do not think they are likely to arrive here, unless they have developed a method of travelling faster than light. Which would in itself make more difficulties (my mind has started boggling so I think I will stop there.)
my pal used to live in Evenley.Northants was driving home from owrk one evening in a thunder & lightning storm she was scared and cant account for a missing 12 mins and the fact she was on a different road to when she started for home. We used to refer to it as "was that before Susan was abducted by aliens or after " when we wanted to know something.couldnt find any tiny puncture marks on her though, but it scared the sh*t out of her and she got indoors and burst into tears and was a quivering wreck for the next half an hour.Them someone wrote a book about other people in Northants going thru the same. I also read an old paperback about aliens in rural Wales and cows being moved to a different field in the night, quite mind boggling.
The are out there folks ! how long before you overhear in conversation......
"you know Mrs So & So's daughter married that Martian fella the baby is a lovely shade of green !"

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