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what do you like to do when the sun is shining???

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mrsmaveric | 13:45 Tue 14th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
im chilling out here at home today..just pottering around the garden...lovely...


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Sprawled out on a lounger with a really good book. With a potter round the garden when my bum starts to ache with all the lying down. And a plentiful supply of iced drinks and nibbles - which will turn into iced G&T after a reasonable hour.
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play what? Is that a sex game?
Potter around the garden and play with the dogs. Hate just sitting outside and find it impossible to read outside - I get distracted.
chill out with a good book, but in the shade
I only have one dog.
My condolences for the your loss of one dog in the last couple of minutes, lottie :)
i din;t sit on it before anyone says it
Go camping in the New Forest :-)
"Go camping in the New Forest :-)"
Do you usually score? :)
Afetr work -potter in the garden or go for a nice cold pint with friends then have a potter in the garden.....
I said CAMPING, not 'camping it up' you great blithering buffoon !
ideally head for a beach...or gardening...or walk in local countryside....
I'd love to be out in the garden enjoying the sun but I am duty-bound to undertake a session of serious housework before going on holiday in two days time. And no I'm not skiving on AB at the moment - just a wee tea break!

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what do you like to do when the sun is shining???

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