i think bigger ones may have bigger milk ducts and produce more milk?? lol...
my aunt fed all 3 kids but they were weaned after a few months. personally i hope i change and can feed my own kids by breast...but for now its a no!! and i think id have em off before they were walking about and talking x
You have to weigh up the pros and cons Tinks. Breast feed and you have no sterilising, no bottle washing, no getting up in the night to heat a bottle, always available....and it's free.
Cons - It friggin hurts for the first couple of weeks, they tend to feed more and what you eat is what ends up in their nappies.
yeah ummm...my friend had a sore one with it...and i have seen when training some bloody sore nips...and i dont like anyone near that area personally which is another reason...but i think it is best for kids xx
The thought of breastfeeding a child with a full set of teeth makes me cringe. A friend of mine fed one of hers until he was four. He used to just go up and help himself. It may have been natural for him and his mother but I personally don't find it natural to be breast feeding after babyhood. But then I didn't breast feed at all for various reasons.
Agree with pasta and ummmm.
Breastfed first son for 9 months then he seemed to wean himself off. Second son til 15 months by then just night milk feeds and then he seemed to stop naturally. Once I got over the initial problems really enjoyed it. Everyone and every baby is different.
Personally wouldn't have felt comfortable after baby stage but each to their own.