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good morning to all

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Dee Sa | 05:47 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
especially to the A/Bers like me who cant get back to sleep ! I am now off to the crossword section to finish ll yesterdays xwords.
Its sunny here at the moment but I am sure it will rain, I am going to visit Puddy the dog today,have a good day whatever you do.


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morning, up too early around 4, but its quite pleasant weather wise. Keep fingers crossed
morning Dee, em10 and all abers who join this thread later on - nice day down here at the moment - have to wait until 7am to collect newspapers today - why can't the shop open when I get up I ask? have a good one all
Good morning all. =)
(posted this already..Gawd knows where it ended up!!)
Good morning to all
Hope it's a nice day for everyone
Morning all, I don't think it can make it's mind up what i's going to do at the moment, nice and sunny at 06.00 when I went out with Max, since then it's been cloudy, drizzling, sunny and now it's overcast again all in two hours
I was driving home at 7.30 last night and had to have headlights and wipers on. And they tell me this is June.
morning Dee
morning all
looks like the heavens are going to open...
bit damp in Edinburgh...still and miserable....

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good morning to all

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