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david cameron is at it again , what a (insert bad word )

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bambikyle | 13:17 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | News
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I wonder what the slimey p---k has got up his sleeve for Xmas & Mother`s Day
Danny - yes of course. If a man makes an effort to see his child and the woman does everything in her power to stop him....then of course the woman should be viewed with the same amount of scorn.

This is about fathers who desert their children though. Not the ones who haven't...
^ says you ummmm. But that's not what David Cameron has said and that's what's getting everyone's goat.
<Even when parents were separated, he said, fathers had a duty to support their children "financially and emotionally", spending time with them at weekends, attending nativity plays and taking an interest in their education.>

Errrr, yes he was. Absent fathers....runaway fathers....NOT fathers who do the above.
i know of someone who left his son to go off with another woman and has children by her, he pays for the child, but only because he has to but never sees the child, even when he was living less than 30 yards from him, but then a lot of that is to do with the other woman. the child now has a fantastic stepfather and couldnt be more happy.
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Thank you EDDIE....
that is what i said, that there are feckless mothers, and ones who are just plain spiteful, but there are men who do go from woman to woman producing unwanted children, look at what happened with poor baby peter, and endless children who end up in care homes. Father goes, or not around to start with, and mother doesn't care or is too immature in the first place.
obviously the Tory CSA plan is not many more minority groups is this oily heap of s--t going to induce the anti lynch mob.
as previous it works both ways, this pr--k is using fathers day as a launching pad for a moral crusade.
better to say something, unlike the last lot, who seemed to think it was ok to hand out taxpayers money to endless parents who do not give a toss about the children they produce. Feckless fathers and mothers, those that you see around everywhere, cigarettes in gob, and shoving crisps and chips down the childs throat, with a fizzy drink in the other hand who ignore their children by and large. That's why we have so many children in care, slobby mothers, and dads who go walkabout.
There are great parents out there who are struggling along, paying thousands in childcare because they go out to work, and they should have a pat on the back, and the dads who do look after their children even though the relationship may have broken down, but we hand out welfare money like sweets, and Cameron i believe had some valid points.

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david cameron is at it again , what a (insert bad word )

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