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TWR | 10:51 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
What makes you happy? & whay does it make you happy?


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I think salla means that the lady concerned has high BP, but not high enough to be in the pre-eclampsia range, and protienuria but again not quite high enough to diagnose pre-eclampsia. I had the same with my first pregnancy for several weeks, then at 37 weeks developed pre-eclampsia, then eclampsia at 38 weeks leading to early delivery.
I usually have better things to do on a offence!!!

I was going canoeing, Thrapston to Oundle. 8 miles. But a nice pub lunch to break up the arduous journey. I'm not very good at oaring.

But the Man has Man Flu, so I might just stay in my garden, naked on a sunlounger with a good book and a nice cool large pinot. Something is peeking out as I type.....Is it your end sqad?
Thank you daffy - you know exactly what I mean xx
Sqad was being pedantic.
daffy.......there is no range.....if there is proteinuria and a pregnant woman it is pre eclampsia.
Eclampsia is something quite different.

But you are right.
Lovely stretch of the river that, Salla! Was the stop going to be at Barnwell Mill by any chance?

The weather here isn't too great so I think we will take the kids bowling.
Of course we are. IS me peeping....and i am naked too.
Don't like naked women...they do nothing for me........but scantily.......
Barnwell Mill does ring a bell. It was actually scheduled for tomorrow, when it talks of being glorious, but he aint going to make no miraculous recovery by then, so I am resigning myself to a nice weekend in my own garden.

I would offer to come down to Hampton to 'nurse' him & mop his fevered brow, but he's a pathetic patient and I don't want to run the risk of picking up any viruses or bugs to bring back to my pregnant daughter-in-law do I? So I shall stay away ;-)
I think that very wise under the circumstances. Poor lamb. Man flu is a terrible affliction.
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I feel quite 'happy' watching Feliciano Lopez............

<<<same egs £1.20. >>

Don't buy them, they will be "off" after 2 years. :-0)
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DOC. i get my free range eggs for £1.50 a dozen. :)
Family get togethers in Summer and Christmas time. We love each others company.
///daffy.......there is no range.....if there is proteinuria and a pregnant woman it is pre eclampsia.
Eclampsia is something quite different.///

According to a midwife friend of mine. BP must be read at 140/90 two times or more over a period of 6+ hours for pre-eclampsia to be considered/diagnosed, and there must be above 300mg of protein in a 24 hour urine sample. She also said pre-eclampsia can develop into eclampsia and she doesn't understand why anyone would think different if they had any medical knowledge. (i'm not questioning yours, this is just what my friend Sue said).
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Thanks a lot !!

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