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Return of capital punishment?

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anotheoldgit | 11:42 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | News
48 Answers

Is this case a prime example of why in certain circumstances capital punishment should return in Britain?

Here we have a savage monster who has killed and committed other vile sex crimes even before he murdered Milly Dowler, and yet he is to spend the rest of his life in prison at the taxpayer's expense.


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shoot the pensioners? Harsh, harsh.

For all the rhetoric, if people get to, say, 75, and are offered a choice of going to prison or living in a care home, I don't think you'll get many opting for prison.
This crime has sickened me from the outset and YES!, i do believe Capital Punishment should be brought back in special circumstances-especially the Milly Dowler and Soham murder cases.
....But if you're happy letting your tax money keep people of this nature....??
I rest my case.
em10 and WBA you are so right ,and a far as mistakes there will always be some ,we've made them all through life its what happens
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@housemouse - "Murder of another person is wrong - whether done by a deranged/sick individual or the state."

This is the only thing a civilised person should consider. Killing people is wrong. Anyone who says it's okay to kill a person, and that they would even be happy to do it (i.e. a number of people in this thread) is well on their way to being as sick as any murderer.
So you condone this evil piece of sht that has KILLED 3 GIRLD do you? I am by far no sadist, I believe everyone one has a right to go where they want, when they want, anytime they want, how they want without some evil basd dragging them into either bushes or whatever & killing them, would you come to that conclusion if members of your family's children get kidnapped, raped then murdered? No member of the human race has a right to live after doing them sort of crimes Backdrifter.

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Return of capital punishment?

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