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Identification - Would you be able to do it?

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bobbie22 | 11:53 Tue 28th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
When I was out shopping this morning, I was approached by a young lady who asked me for directions to the library. She was carrying a teddy bear. I assumed she was a foreign student, as there are lots here in the summer. I gave her directions. A few minutes later, another young lady approached me, told me that as part of A level Psychology exams, (the first young lady was her school friend) she was doing a survey on what people would be able to identify if asked. The only thing I could tell her that I noticed was the teddy bear! Are we all so unobservant?


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and whilst you noticed the teddy, she nicked your purse, and then when the second one got you thinking about the 1st, she nicked your mobile right ?
But that teddy carrying is a good trick because it makes you fasten on that one unusual thing....I bet if she hadn't been carrying the teddy you would have remembered more about her.
I wouldve been no good either - probably just checked out her rack.
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no, they were students in the grammar school here. Cynical?
I tend to notice lots of detail and have an almost photographic memory. I can visualise images from my memory sometimes years later as well. I`d make a good spy :-)
at least you'd probably be able to pick out Ted in an identity parade
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Carmalee, i like that one
oh just a level grammar school kids? perhaps i gave to much credence to their propensity to study and observe the psychology of misdirection.
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ankou, sorry did not understand a word of that
see what you make of this
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Thanks milly. I did spot the bear, but that was only because i knew I was supposed to be looking for something
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If we 'noticed' everything we saw and heard we would overload.

So the mind is very good at filtering, deleting and distorting unless specifically instructed otherwise.

That's why eye witness testimony is so unreliable.

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Identification - Would you be able to do it?

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