Since Lesbians are twice as likely as gay men to separate, what could be the reason why Lesbians find it more difficult to settle into a happy relationship, than their male counterparts?
Why such a rise in Gay divorces by both sexes anyway?
These figures are not The Telegraph's figures or even The Daily Mail's (mind my mouth), but the Office for National Statistics.
It was likely there would be an initial rise in dissolutions as some couples who should not have entered into a CP would have done so in the early years 'because they could' or because they hoped it would sure up a failing relationship most of the women and a fair number of the men I know are still considering it... Those that have done it were in relationships of over 10 years duration and it has been more about securing the position of both parties as age and its related problems become more of an issue especially in terms of pension rights
kromo, indeed, what terrors will befall us if railway station became strain station?
although quite what this has to do with cp dissolution is beyond me.
do gays meet at train, whoops, railway stations ? does one of them call it a "train station" and it all goes horribly wrong ? its a dilemma
that's going to happen, aog, though not I hope during my lifetime.
Anyway, the thing is percentages: it seems a higher percentage of heterosexual marriages than gay marriages fail. This means gay couples are more likely to stay together.
As to your other question, why more lesbian partnerships fail... I don't know, that is odd. jth may be able to offer suggestions.
I have no idea why it seems that lesbian civil-partnerships break down more than those of their male counterparts.
It may have something to do with the fact that lesbians are not generally as accepting of infidelities as some of the fellas are?
Behaviour which would be a relationship breaker in a lesbian couple may not even be worth discussing between the men.....
I don't know any 'divorced' couples whom I can interrogate to find out why, I'm afraid.
oh, just wondered... It may still be a statistical blip, with more women than men entering civil partnerships that they shouldn't have when they were introduced. It'll be another 10 years before the figures calm down and start to present a properly representative picture, I would have thought.
If your partnership does break down, I suppose you could have it towed to a Relationship Repair Station.