I've been hearing some pretty large rats in my walls, and I saw dropping around my water heater, so I set up some snap traps with no luck. I was gonna have an exterminator take care of the... ...
I've been unemployed for a while, and im running out of money. I won't say why but I've been trying to get on unemployment for like a month with the help of my case manager, but honestly, actually... ...
Last session my therapist wanted me to tell her some of my strengths. I started with telling her that im caring, because I take good care of my cat. I keep her up to date on all her shots, and I... ...
We have a bit of dilemma and don't quite know what to do about it. Our grand daughter came to see us today and was in a bit of a state. She had been brought home from University, about 3 hour... ...
I met with my case manager today. We often ask each other what we did over the weekend. She started laughing, and said that she took her son to six flags. They went on a roller coaster and her... ...
I've had this happen to me many times in my life—I put in a lot of effort, again and again. But every time, people tell me that I'm doing nothing. I'm sick of it.
My mum and I usually send separate cards to my 60 yo cousin, who lives 300 miles away, but this year, for the first time ever, we decided to send one card with both of our names on it to save. It... ...
When I try my best, people always tell me that I do nothing. I babysat my cousin every summer (maybe even more) for six years. And in the end, they told me that I had never taken care of her. But... ...
My aunt moved in with me a couple months ago. I have a cat, and when I clean her litter box, I just wipe it out, but my aunt wants me to go and spray it out in the yard. I tried to explain to her... ...
My 68 year old aunt who has trouble walking moved in with me a couple of months ago. She doesn't need a wheelchair or anything I dont think, but she's fallen 5 times since we moved in, busting her... ...
As some of you may already know our Grandaughter of 13 years nearly 14 lives with us, today I found a vape in her bedroom drawer, and she was told to come home at a certain time today, rolls in 2... ...
I haven't told Julie I work in selco as last year I barley seen her but this year I've seen her alot and keep not knowing weather to tell her as Im not planning on staying in selco
Incase you forgot Katie is the one who hasn't bothered with me since she moved in with her partner. I don't know weather to do something with them for my birthday as I'm just thinking what to do... ...
I've posted enough about her on here, so you guys probably know about her, but I'll add some detail for those who haven't seen my other posts. My aunt moved into my house a couple of months ago.... ...
My aunt moved in with me a couple of months ago. My mom, and her haven't been getting along. Every time my moms comes to visit, or almost everytime, they are kind of nasty to each other. My aunt... ...