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Wine Of The Week

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NoMercy | 10:31 Thu 11th Aug 2011 | Food & Drink
17 Answers
Lost Sheep 2010 Rosé (South Eastern Australia)

An expert blend of the Italian Sangiovese and the Aussie Shiraz, this wine is full of all the summer berry flavours you'd expect of a blush wine, with a hint of creaminess and a typically shiraz dash of pepper on the finish. At 12% it's one of the more serious wines in its class and one I'm sure to buy again!

Available in Marks and Spencer for the normal price of £7.49


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I'm not a big rose drinker but need to buy some for a friend at the weekend. I shall follow your advice as although my friend won't appreciate (she's more of a Mateus girl!) it at least I have some confidence that I might enjoy it!
In my younger days Mateus Rose was called leg-opener:-)
Question Author
Hi Eccles,

I've never been much of a Rosé drinker but I'm slowly becoming converted. I tried the wine on my mother last night and she was so impressed that she sneaked off to the fridge to top up her glass. Rosés can often be a little sweet but this wine strikes the perfect balance between fruity and savoury.
It's the sweetness that generally puts me off. One summer I got into PS from Laithwaite's it was a lightly sparkling rose and was really rather lush.

Talking of lush, I'll mention 'leg-opener' to her Carrust - it might encourage to change her ways, at least with regards to wine!
Question Author
I might check out what Laithwaites have to offer right now.
m&S do a nice sparkling rose
Question Author
What is it called, Fluff?
errrr "m&S sparklingroseincludedinthetwodinefor£10"

that one :-)
I love Rose and it is the only wine I enjoy.

My favourite is Brown Brothers Rose.
Question Author
Aha, fluffy. My mother raves about that deal, so I will be trying it!

Funny, my appreciation for Rosé is growing steadily...
its good and bad, personally i think the portions are way two small for two on some of the deals, but occasionally they do a roast chicken and that works out really well, puds are always good :-)
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I fancy trying their Mousakka, Fluffy.

RH, try Echo Falls. I think you will like that one, if you haven't already tried it.
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I've often done that myself, RH
i seem to be knocking back the whole bottle of red with the casero when eating my menu del dia. as it comes with ice, it slides down pretty quickly.
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It's not uncommon to lightly chill some of the Spanish reds.

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