I have a car which I am not going to be using for a while. It is taxed up until the end of December 2011 and insured until April 2012. Is it any good applying for a refund on the tax and insurance (my car is old 1997- cannot see it being stolen) or would it be better just to leave it. Also I want to know whether it would be worth my while financially. Thanks to all who give me answers!
You'd get a 4 month refund on your car tax so you can work out how much a third is.
You'd need to ask the insurance company about the refund, every company has different cancellation penalties.
You MUST get the vehicle SORN'd before doing so.
This is typical of how the citizen is treated by the authorities these days. Authorities are not there to improve your lot, as one might expect, they are clearly there to find ways to make your life worse in any way they can think of. Any they do so using the tax money they've demanded from you.