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CCTV cameras

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anotheoldgit | 16:55 Tue 10th May 2011 | News
12 Answers

In the wake of these CCTV cameras now being removed.

Should all other such cameras now be removed from all areas, and should the police to go to the lengths of going around to each of our doors, posting leaflets of apology?.


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why should they apologise? removing the camera's is enough
*are enough
is enough.
really, oh good :)
Yet another example of kow-towing to the muslim hordes in this country.
Now that Bin Laden has been removed from the scene we can all get on as good neighbours. Muslims can burn their Korans and switch to the Methodist religion. They can study British history and what made this country great. They can all speak English in private and in public.

What planet are the police living on?
Yes, and no apostrophe in the plural "cameras", please cazzz. Apostrophes are not used in connection with plurals.

Back to the question, I was pleased to learn that Assistant Chief Constable Sharon Rowe said: "The work starting today shows that we have listened to what our communities wanted and acted upon those wishes. We have liaised closely with our communities to keep them informed of developments and when they can expect cameras to be removed from actual streets."

I’m also pleased that she is not the Assistant Chief Constable for the county in which I live. There are parts of the “community” here that would like the police to listen to what they want and to be kept informed as their wishes are met (to remove all CCTV cameras, to stop harassing and arresting them, and allow them to continue terrorising people and to be allowed to continue to go about their unlawful business).

Fortunately senior officers in the police force that serves my area are slightly less enlightened and a bit less "right on" than those in Birmingham.
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I would like to express my views and comments but me thinks I may get banned for being a racist or anti Muslim, which I am not!!!!!!!!!!!! cough, splutter.
CCTV camera is the best option from security purpose. Every action is captured in the camera so that when we need we get details.

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CCTV cameras

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