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stokemaveric | 22:30 Wed 07th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
i ve just took the dog round the block...its cold and rainy...winter is on its way...


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I'll give you a ..................((((((((((stokey))))))))))
I'm flipping freezing. Going to make sure all the kid's winter coats fit tomorrow (might go mad and wash them all too).
yes, youre right, it blummin is, stoke!

im nice n snug in bed, with my furry hot water bottle toasting my feet :o)
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thanks craft lol....ive dug my winter coat out too glad i have..
Are you all from darn sarf.................I've had all the windows and the kitchen door open all day.
Think I might go mad and find the hat, scarf and glove bin too!
I'm sitting in a t-shirt with the windows open...
It was a bit nippy this afternoon Craft, but now it is damp and cold (and I am sneezing and sniffing something rotten).
I didn't shut the door until the dog came in about 9pm..........we had a shower about 7pm but that was it.
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my blood must be getting thinner lol
You should stop donating it to the bookies stokey............
ive still got my bedroom window open too, (always do, no matter what the climate is)
and ive not been dressed in much today either, just a sundress (ive not been out)
so ive not been cold as such, its just i do like to be cosy n snug in bed under the quilt.. :o)

sherrard, why not have yourself a nice hot bath or shower to warm you up, and snuck in under the quilt too... your own quilt, that is, not mine! lol
Hi looby, think the shock of two early mornings is catching up with me!
What about the comment on the weather forecast the other day that 2011 was the driest summer for 34 years. It seems to have rained all summer if you can call it that.

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