Times Jumbo 942 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Jumbo 942

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CurlyLox | 15:59 Sun 11th Sep 2011 | Crosswords
2 Answers
Help please, one more left to go and I'm getting nowhere...

51d Make [a bill] law E - A - F

The E is from ViEtnamese [pot-bellied pig] 50a [creature sometimes kept as a pet]
The A is from ScArlatti 53a [Italian composer of many keyboard works]
The F is from DeFer 56a [put off an action]

Where am I wrong????????? :-0
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51d Enact

Clue to 56a reads "...from an action" - Deter
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thanks Lie-In, what would we do without you///

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