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Where have the angry old men gone?

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venator | 14:31 Wed 14th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Time was, there were heated posts about immigration, extreme politics and similar stuff, with insults flying back & forth.

There was quite a lot of humour, often unintentional.

Where are they now? Has AB Ed carried out a purge?


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maybe after arguing over the same thing over and over they have acknowledged that their opinions will not change?
<Grins back at bobbi>
Too true, bobbi, you are quite right. It is much nicer to be placid and easy-going.
you don't have to be old to be angry
hope she (underlined) was told to feck off and never to darken the doors of whatever programme it was again.
fact !
anger ups the BP..
and uses twice as much energy anyway
I quite like green bananas and cantankerous old men.

Talking of who, anyone know how sqadlet is these days?

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Where have the angry old men gone?

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