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Reasons To Be Happy Today

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joggerjayne | 11:22 Wed 14th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Come on, guys ... there must be LOTS !!!


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The sun is shining and that just makes me feel so good!
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Euphemia ... sometimes, that's all it needs!
I woke up and thanked the Lord that I'm still here and healthy! Nice sentiment flump1 couldn't agree more........
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Healthy is always good, Ann.
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Stay happy, guys ...

I have to go.

x x x x x x x
Reasons to be cheerful 4
I've just sat down to a frothy coffee & a lovely tuna salad drizzled with oil + chunky bread. Simple delights ..
the steggess is happy cause i've lost my voice
My Private Eye has just been delivered, joy rather offset by standing on a wasp earlier and having a toe like a balloon!
first good nights sleep in ages, short but brisk walk, lovely pea and bacon soup for lunch and emails from friends....not a bad day so far
Visitors just gone, but no JJ, however, we did toast your health, and jolly good it was too :)
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It will soon be the Ski season ...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Reasons To Be Happy Today

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