What's the worst car you've ever owned in regards to reliability and annoyance? I've owned some bangers in my time (i've never seen the point in spending more than a couple of grand on a car, mostly a lot less), but none come close to the Renault Laguna I have now. It has an amazing ability in that as soon as i fix one problem another appears.
I`ve never had a cr@p car. I`ve always had Fords but then I`m not car proud. I hate spending money on them. Interesting what someone said about Renault. A friend of mine has an 8 year old Megane and it cost her £900 to get it through the MOT this year. I got rid of my (nearly) 14 year old Ford Puma a little while ago and in all those years it only broke down once and that was just a flat battery. I paid a fortune in RAC fees and never needed them (apart from when I locked myself out one time). I`ve got a new Fiesta now. There are lots of electronic bits that will probably give me problems in the future but at least Ford are cheap to fix.
mumgbeanz, we had a Laguna, got rid about five months ago, it was vry like yours, one expensive problem after another!......so glad it's gone now, will nevr have another Renault as long as we live!....
We had a Lada when we lived in the Hebrides and it would always start in the horizontal rain when many others wouldn't. It was totally reliable.
However, when we moved to the city the offspring objected to being driven to school matches in it!