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MP3 Question

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mxyzptlk | 06:42 Wed 05th Oct 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
When playing MP3 tracks on the car stereo, I have a track time counter which counts down the time left to play. I've noticed though on several tracks that it doesn't display the time but VBR.
It doesn't affect the track playing, but I am curious as to why this should be.
I asume it is something to do with the tracks as 99% of my music shows the time.
The tracks were also ripped from differing systems


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Tks SS, at least I now know what it means, but why is it like that and can I "standardise" the affected tracks?
When playing a file with a fixed bit rate, the calculation of time remaining is straightforward. With a variable bit rate file, the only way yo know the time remaining would be to analyse the entire file first.
"can I "standardise" the affected tracks?"
Yes, just import them into a format converter and rewrite them at a fixed bit rate. The advantage of VBR is that the bit rate is adjusted dynamically with the content, thus giving you the best compromise between quality and file size.
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Thanks Rojash, I'll give it a go, with my cloth ears any slight degradation will probably not be noticed

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