Any tips on how to get white paint off a red carpet? I've used my carpet cleaner on it today but there's still spots and strips of paint here and there. The painters used a big cover but it must have rolled up. Help! TIA.
The thing is maclarencat the painters are friends of my neighbour and did the job on the cheap for me. They did a great job except for the paint on the carpet. Oh well I'll just have to keep on trying. China.
it's there to stay now china!........if the painter caused the problem, then he must have insurance, and then they should cover the cost of a new carpet!.......
If it's not huge in any one spot, try gently removing the affected starnds with a sharp scalpel (craft shop) - unless it is a plush carpet in whcih case it is an insurance job or buy another.
Not saying it is perfect as a solution, but with a similar problem once I used a wallpaper steam stripper, then wiped with towel. hard work but I got most of it.