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boxtops | 13:37 Sun 09th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
.. meant to ask you, but no place quite right to do it... - how are you and Mr B, are you back at work yet?


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Difficult answer, so i'll start with the easy one. No i am not back to work yet. When i took mat leave, you have to specify immediately how long you'll be off for. Because i just didn't know, i asked for six months. That six months is up on November 19th, but i have about 35 days of annual leave too, so could probably stretch it till the new year if i wanted to, The trouble is, i just don't know. I have avoided all contact with work, so not really sure what's going on regarding redundancies etc.
Mr B went back to work after 2 weeks - that's all you get for paternity leave.
As for "How we are" that's far more complicated, but to avoid long and messy answers people might not want to read, i'll say "ok" thanks
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Understood - I didn't want to intrude, but I didn't want you to think we'd forgotten, either x
Glad boxy was brave enough to ask, I've wanted to as well but didn't want to seem like I was prying. Take care of yourself bednobs.
Sending you hugs, bednobs. X x x

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