Anyone come across this?
I am using broadband. My emaila ccount has worked fine for 8 years. Suddenly there is a problem. When I click Send/Receive in OE a window appears asking me to logon; the window contains my email address and a series of black circles (representing my password). The window is similar to the one which appeared in the old days of dial up. Any advice most welcome. Thank you.
This has just happened to me! I have experienced it in the past when it cleared itself. Are you with Blueyonder (now Virgin)? I wonder whether it is a problem with the Internet Provider, rather MS Outlook.
So it's almost certainly a fault with Blueyonder, which I expect they'll resolve in time, nothing to do with the way you've set up Outlook Express. Best to leave things at present, in the past, thinking it was my fault, I got into a right state with usernames and passwords.
I think it is but my server is tiscali. I am a pensioner and not very good with the computer. can you tell me what to do? do I need to get somebody in ?